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White Crocodile

Anna Schachinger

Opening: December 16, 2016, 6.30 pm
Duration: December 15 – December 28, 2016

curated by Ute Burkhardt-Bodenwinkler

how to look into a crocodile mouth
how to catch a crocodile mid-air
how to feel your mother’s sturdy grip around your neck
how to stand closely as a group
about white crocodiles,
about fear.
(of taking responsibility)
(of your neighbor)
(of failing hard)
how to inhale common sense
and exhale white crocodiles

try to fly

Ewa Kaja

Opening: December 8, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Ofroom Innovation Circle Marxergasse 42, 1030 Wien
Duration: December 9 – December 14, 2016

curated by Ute Burkhardt-Bodenwinkler

Ewa Kaja be­schäf­tigt sich in ih­ren Wer­ken mit dem Kör­per, der Kör­per­ober­flä­che und er­öff­net Fra­gen nach Iden­ti­tä­ten, Sicht­wei­sen, Kli­schees, Mo­ral und zeit­ge­nös­si­chen Ta­bus. Die Künst­le­rin zeigt welch zwin­gen­de, ge­heim­nis­vol­le Kraft in der Ver­kop­pe­lung von Schön­heit und Ver­gäng­lich­keit steckt. Sie stellt mit ih­ren Ar­bei­ten die Fra­ge ,,ob Schön­heit nicht prin­zi­pi­ell eine Ab­wehr ge­gen den Tod ist.“ (Freud ,,Ver­gäng­lich­keit“, 1915).

Fabian Seiz

Opening: November 24, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Zirkusgasse 38, 1020 Wien
Duration: November 25 – December 1, 2017

curated by Amer Abbas

Fabian Seiz zeigt uns Arbeiten aus dem Jahr 2016. “Who`s and Whys”, “Erster”, “Content”, “Drei Pfeifen”, “Vierter”. Mit dem Titel der Ausstellung “1,2,3,4” verweist Fabian Seiz vielleicht auf Billy Wilders Komödie (Eins, Zwei, Drei) von 1962 und fügt, in Seiz´scher Manier, ein “Viertes” hinzu. Entgegen einer vorherrschenden lustfeindlichen, asketischen Ich-Kultur öffnet Fabian Seiz den Vorhang zur Komödie. Lässt uns teilhaben am Wissen der Unbedingtheit der Kunst, die allein nur Hingabe zulässt. George Bataille sah in der Kultur den Befehl sich zu vergnügen, fast eine Nötigung zur Verausgabung, zu Glamour und Genuss – und damit zur Schönheit. Die Arbeiten von Fabian Seiz setzten über eine konkrete und sehr präzise ästhetische Form ein Spiel in Gang und das Spiel ist, Johann Huizinga stellt dies 1956 fest, ein Grundprinzip jeglicher Kultur. Die Arbeiten von Fabian Seiz erzeugen eine rezeptive Wachheit und Unruhe, sie lassen uns im besten Sinne zurück mit utopischen Verheißungen und dem Versprechen auf lustvolle Kühnheit. (Ute Burkhardt)

Rouven Dürr vs Franz Vana

Opening: November 3, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: November 4 – November 10, 2016

curated by Fabian Seiz

Self Hypnosis

Stelios Karamanolis/ Panos Papadopoulos

Opening: October 20, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Schadekgasse 6, 1060 Wien
Duration: October 21 – November 11, 2016

Leisure as a Mechanism for Resistance

Parallel Vienna

Opening: September 16, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Alte Post, Dominikanerbastei, 1010 Wien
Duration: September 17 – September 25, 2016

curated by Daily Lazy

It is 2:56 am, and he still has trouble sleeping. He turns the light on and picks up the book that lies by his nightstand. He opens it to page 56.
He always believed that accidents are somehow destiny in disguise.
The question of the previous day still twirls in his head.
He stands up and walks towards the fridge. He realizes that the distance from his bed to the fridge is 28 steps – that equals 56 steps from his bed to the fridge and back.
He always worked too much. Too much that he never had time to think of himself as a distinct entity.
Yesterday, the girl at the gas station asked him if he is free on Friday.
Free on Friday?
Today is Wednesday, which is two days away from Friday.
If he could be with the girl in bed that would make it one + one = two.
He looks again at the clock that sits on top of his nightstand.
The time is 2:56 am.
That is what he does when he has time.                   

Irini Miga


Giorgos Kontis, Just Quist

Opening: July 20, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: July 21 – Jul y 27, 2016

Giorgos  Kontis  |  Just  Quist

A  sign  and  a  network.  The  image  as  such,  as  both,  and  also,  as  an  object;  not  intangible  but   rather  bearing  its  own  materiality,  physical  attributes,  a  body.

The  image,  having  signs  registered  on  it,  and  being  registered  with  its  turn  on  something   greater;  an  image  that  is  all  and  just  a  part.  A  shard  of  a  ceramic  vessel  that  has  followed  its  own   path  and  trajectory  in  time.  A  body  that  carries  its  own  history  and  memory  and  hovers  between   being  a  part  and  simultaneously  an  autonomous  entity,  thus,  having  this  duality  and  bearing   both  functions.  A  suspended  fragment  that  is  almost  mystic  and  mythical,  becoming  a  sign;  of   itself  and  of  its  broader  whole.

Thus,  the  image  as  a  presence  and  as  an  archetype  that  stands  beside,  though  cannot  escape,   this  general  whole,  the  net  in  which  it  is  caught,  its  context.

The  work  of  Giorgos  Kontis  (b  1981,  Athens)  focuses  on  abstract  painting  and  on  its  function  as   an  image.  It  becomes  a  contemplation  on  it  as  an  Icon,  on  the  autonomy it  gains,  and  on  the  way   it  radiates  itself,  triggering  questions  on  authenticity  and  the  agency  of  the  artist.  He  is  currently   doing  a  practice  based  PhD  in  Painting  at  the  Royal  College  of  Art  in  London.

For  Just  Quist  (b  1965,  Dordrecht)  the  work  places  itself  in  an  agile  position  in  respect  to  the   different  contexts  within  which  it  arises.  He  is  looking  for  the  transitive  space,  a  space  hitherto   void  of  meaning.  A  space  in  transition,  where  no  meaning  can  be  defined  because  it  has  not  yet   arrived  in  its  entirety.  A  space  where  meanings  are  generated  by  the  connections  made,  where   acting  transforms  to  object.

The    . beneath white

Irini Miga

Opening: July 7, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: July 8 – July 17, 2016

About to exit.
Basic things on the desk, a laptop and a chair.
The light from the ceiling – white – and it casts a big shadow of my head over the keypad.
charger – not to forget
point A to point B
Pause 2”
Window minimized.
           Nearly finished.
Eyes fixed on the door knot.
Tear off the page.
Stand up
Press delete and start anew.

tin cry

Eugen Wist

Opening: June 17, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: June 18 – June 25, 2016

the only sound no­ti­ce­able is the one I pro­du­ce mys­elf with each move – a di­lem­ma. No, ac­tual­ly I like it be­cau­se if one – like any nor­mal per­son – treads on the heel and then rolls with the bo­dy­weight along the sole, crus­hing all the stuff un­der­ne­ath, it ma­kes a crunch or crack­ling noi­se. Like if you step on limbs, sand or snow…

Milk as Currency.The Bio-Praxia of Giving

Irini Athanassakis

Opening: June 2, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: June 3 – June 12, 2016

Towards a financial model derived from the Body: BioLogics.

The Eco­no­my can be con­side­red as a he­ri­ta­ge of the an­ci­ent hou­se hold and its in­herent laws. Fi­nan­ce could be seen as a a set of me­ans, me­thods and tech­no­lo­gies of dis­tri­bu­ting po­ten­ti­als from the past and the pre­sent to the fu­ture.

Due to its ab­strac­tion and im­port­an­ce to en­su­re the sur­vi­val of so­cie­ties, fi­nan­ce has been and still re­mains one of the core ques­ti­ons of how cul­tu­re and so­cie­ties de­fi­ne
them­sel­ves. With its gro­wing ma­the­ma­tiza­t­i­on, for­ma­liza­t­i­on and mo­de­li- za­t­i­on and the in­stal­la­ti­on of pro­ba­bi­li­ty as its cen­tral tool fi­nan­ce has in­cre­a­sin­gly dri­ven away from the nee­ds and rea­li­ties
of the bo­dies that are sub­ject to its laws and pre­scrip­ti­ons, i.e.
mo­ne­ta­ry pro­fits.

Iri­ni Atha­nassa­kis would like to pro­po­se a Bio-Pra­xeia of „Fi­nan­ce“ and con­sider Milk as one of the first cur­ren­cies (af­ter cells/​sperm, and blood).

All thought is in signs

Bobby Dowler

Opening: May 23, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: May 24 – May 30, 2016

For the ex­hi­bi­ti­on “All thought is in signs” at fAN my aim is to in­tro­du­ce and sha­re a collec­tion of dis­co­ve­ries, in the form of ‘Pain­ting-Ob­jects’ which I have made over the last few ye­ars. I at­tempt to en­ter into the me­di­um of pain­ting its­elf with a new in­de­pen­dent lan­gua­ge. Bob­by Dow­ler, 2016

Wahlabend – Wir laden ein

Ein politisches Gemeinschaftsspiel: Bruno Kratochvil, Magdalena Gruber, Jasmin Schwendinger, Katharina Farnleitner, Maresi Riegner, Jan perschy, Julian Bruckmiller, Franz Gerald WErner, Valentin Postlmayr, Jubsi Kramar, Lilly Prohaska, Bela Baptiste, Eleni Stampfer

May 2016

You need a lot of tools to work with eternity

Johanne Rude Lindegaard, Victor Lizana

Opening: May 5, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: May 6 – May 15, 2016

Salon Schizo-Analytique

Elisabeth von Samsonow talks with Veronika Franz und Severin Fiala

Salon April 21, 2016, 7 pm

Eden & Lernout vs Gregor Eldarb

Opening: April 8, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Zirkusgasse 38, 1020 Wien
Duration: April 9 – April 15, 2016

curated by Fabian Seiz

Juliana Lindenhofer, Line Finderup Jensen

Opening: March 11, 2016, 7 pm
Venue: Zirkusgasse 38, 1020 Wien
Duration: March 12 – March 27, 2016

Samsonow Salon Schizo-Analytique

Elisabeth von Samsonow talks with Ashley Hans Scheirl

Salon February 18, 2016 7 pm

Stadthallenbad/ Norbert geht ins Hotel

Anna Schachinger, Michael Fanta

Opening: February 10, 2016, 7 pm
Duration: February 11 – February 17, 2016